The fun never stops at Camp Lakota…
The Camp Lakota Daily Time Schedule
- 7:45 Reveille and Wake-up
- 8:00 All Camp Line-up at Flagpole
8:10 Breakfast in Dining Hall
- 8:45 Clean-up at bunks
- 9:20 Inspection of bunks
- 9:30 1st Activity Period Begins
- 10:30 2nd Activity Period Begins
- 11:30 3rd Activity – 1st Elective
- 12:30 Wash-up for Lunch
12:35 Call to Lunch in Dining Hall
- 1:05 Rest time begins in bunks
- 2:05 4th Activity Period Begins
- 3:15 5th Activity Period Begins
- 4:15 Afternoon Snack Break
- 4:35 6th Activity – 2nd Elective
- 5:35 Wash up for dinner
5:45 Dinner in Dining Hall
- 6:15 Free Play Plus
- 7:15 Shower Hour – recall to cabins
- 8:15 Call to Evening Activity
- 9:30 Evening Activity Concludes
- 9:30 Canteen begins
- 9:30 Curfew schedule begins